Dr. Sean Daniels, Chair/Associate Professor

Welcome to the Department of Fine Arts!

Housed in the Joyce J. Bolden Fine Arts Building, 美术系开设艺术类课程, Humanities, Speech, Theater, and Music. 该系也是亚利桑那州立大学音乐会合唱团的所在地, Marching Band, Jazz Ensemble, Brass, Woodwind, String, Men’s Choral, Chamber Singers, Women Choral and Percussion Ensembles. 该系包括屡获殊荣的教职员工. 我们提供以下领域的专业学位课程:音乐教育声乐, Music Education Instrumental, Music Performance Vocal, 音乐表演器乐和(一般)音乐文学学士学位. Not a Music major, 你可以通过亚利桑那州立大学美术系赞助的各种项目来享受艺术. pg电子游戏试玩是由全国音乐学院协会(NASM).

2023 Music Honor Recital Recipients
